Ashtanga Yoga Workshop
... towards the new Yoga teacher training course
Intensive workshop in Ashtanga Yo osignano Marittimo (LI)
intensive rkshop in Ashtanga Yo osignano Marittimo (LI)
14/15 May 2022, Spazionomade, Rosignano Marittino, Livorno
Meeting aimed at those who love to practice and want to deepen, to those who want to know better how this practice works and to all those who want to understand how we work within the practice

Saturday 14
* 10: 00/12: 30 Listening to the breath, meditation. Ashtanga Yoga; guided lesson I series, Mysore I and II series . Relaxation with Tibetan bells
14: 30/16: 00 In depth Yoga and study of the sequence.
17: 00/18: 30 Introduction to the second series., Q&A. Relaxation.
* We recommend fasting, if this is not possible, we invite you to have a light breakfast at least 2 hours before the practice
Sunday 15
8: 00/10: 00 Listening to the breath, meditation. Ashtanga Yoga; guided lesson I series, Mysore I and II series . Relaxation with Tibetan bells
11: 00/13: 00 In depth Yoga, Q&A.
15: 00/17: 00 Deepening Yoga, Pranayama, Relaxation.
Teacher : Tommaso Valentini
WHERE : NOMADE AREA , Vicolo del Berti, Rosignano Marittimo, Livorno
Place of research and training in the social and artistic field of a relationship of care towards the self, the other, the nature.
It is possible to reach Spazio Nomade easily by public transport, arriving at the Rosignano train station and from there organize a shared taxi or car sharing among the participants; or with your own car, there are ample free parking spaces very close to the space.
It is possible to sleep inside the space, with a minimum contribution, and to use the kitchen; or book a farmhouse in the area.
For further information do not hesitate to consult us.